The What. The Why. The Who.

Here’s Everything. Well, Maybe Not Everything, But Some Of It.

It starts with the word ‘Infinity’ – we think, one of the most powerful words in our vocabulary. Just the sound of that word gives you hope and courage, the thought of which makes you feel that if you can just think about something, imagine it, it can be a reality, and what everything really boils down to is your mindset and the courage to imagine and that is why, it’s important that we – Think Limitless.

That’s the base of the entire thought process of this brand. That’s truly something that we believe in and trust me it’s not just blind faith, and for you to understand where this faith comes from, you must know our story, the story is long so we’ll keep it short and give y’all a timeline. 

We'll Cut To The Chase

May 16th, 2020
Bang in the middle of one of the most chaotic and direst times this generation had witnessed, we decided to start a branding agency and named it “Brandemic” – with close to zero experience, zero equipment, zero capital, just pure faith and 4 people in the city of Mysore.
May 22nd, 2020
We got our first client. A breakthrough moment for us where we closed a client through digital advertising without having to physically meet the client, providing us the proof of concept.
July 15th, 2020
We made our first hire into the company and moved our operations from a dorm room to a small and cozy co-working space.
Nov 19th, 2020
We grew to a team of 8 people. It took us around 6 months to double our team size. By this time, the pandemic was peaking but we decided to continue scaling, despite everything.
Feb 2021
We became the most talked about branding agency in the city, legit!!! In no time, we were able to crack the biggest projects in the city, working with the biggest brands in town.
May 2021
We decided to move our operations to Bangalore and set up our office in Koramangala – the city’s heart! Risky move with added risk-amplification due to rising covid cases and lockdown rumours.
Sep 1st, 2021
The day we moved to Bangalore, we got to know that we had won 5 awards across several categories against some of the biggest agencies across India. In fact, some of them were global companies. This was a game changer as this got us the validation that we all wanted in our heads, and from there everything changed.
May 25th, 2022
We bagged one of the biggest brands in the home furnishing space in India and the client list started featuring bigger and bigger names.
October 2022
By now we had worked with over 200 clients and consulted with several brands on their product, brand, infrastructure, marketing, and beyond with a team of roughly 20 people and an average team age of 23.
November 2022
We wanted to build something that we truly believed in, a project that we could all collectively work on as a team. The passion for entrepreneurship, the love for music, art, science, streetwear culture, and the power of design, led us to believe that we need to create something that represents the philosophy of this cult of people who are always all in, and that’s the origin of Think Limitless.

“Think Limitless” is a belief system, a thought process, and a model of function that only the outrageous follow and implement. Made for those who think beyond boundaries, innovate recklessly, hustle for their dreams, live for experiences, are obsessed with what they do, have the ambition to inspire, and, beyond all, dare to say, “F*ck it, let’s go all in!”

“Think Limitless” is our attempt to propagate the idea that anything is possible. We are on a mission to give those who think limitless a medium of expression, a way of thought propagation, and a mechanism to spread their message and connect with those who think alike.

If you love nature, art, space, music, science, technology, and the hustle culture, this is the voice for everything that goes on in your head. This is a cultural revolution, a ride to infinity. #Limitless

December 2022
Launched the creative studio with capabilities of executing full-fledged ad campaigns from concept to shoot to launch.
February 2023
Launched offline as the Official Merch Partners for India’s Largest Gen-Next Festival, featuring some of the biggest names like Farhan Akhtar, Prateek Kuhad, Zakir Khan, Nucleya, and 40+ other artists with 50,000+ attendees across 7 cities in India.
May 4th, 2023
Launched our official website And the story goes on…

If you are looking to validate this story – check out

Now you have the story, it’s time you check out what we are really creating, check out our collection.

Fair Warning – Not For Everyone, Only For The Limitless

sold out!

Damn, we’re all sold out! Our gear flew off the racks, all thanks to your love! Stay tuned as we whip up fresh threads for our next drop

Season 2 coming soon!